The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite degrees are divided into 5 Parts and are as follows:

(1) Lodge of Perfection – 4th° to 14th°

(2) Chapter of Rose Croix – 15th° to 18th°

(3) Council of Kadosh – 19th° to 30th°

(4) Consistory / Master of Kadosh – 31st° to 32nd°

(5) Honorary 33rd°



33rd° degree

Here is a great explanatory video about the 33rd degree, compliments of the Michigan Masonic Museum & Library

All Scottish Rite jurisdictions nominate a select few members to receive the 33°rd Degree,
Inspector General Honorary,
in recognition of outstanding service to the Rite, or in public life, to the principles taught in the degrees.

ANCIENT & ACCEPTED Scottish rite: 33rd° DEGREE – Inspector general honorary

33nd° Degree Apron
33nd° Degree Collar
33nd° Degree Jewel
33nd° Degree Gloves
33nd° Degree – Inspector General Honorary Cap

All Scottish Rite jurisdictions nominate a select few members to receive the 33°rd Degree, Inspector General Honorary, in recognition of outstanding service to the Rite, or in public life, to the principles taught in the degrees.

In the Southern Jurisdiction, the Supreme Council chooses 33rd degree members from among those who have previously received the rank and decoration of Knight Commander Court of Honour.

The KCCH is bestowed in a Ceremonial of Investiture in recognition of outstanding service to the Rite, or in public life, to the principles taught in the degrees.

The Thirty-third Degree is conferred by the Supreme Council upon members of the Rite in recognition of outstanding work in the Rite or in public life.

The 33° cannot be asked for and if asked for must be refused.

At its biennial session the Supreme Council elects members of the Rite to receive the Degree.

These 33 degree Masons are Inspectors General honorary and honorary members of the Supreme Council.

The active members of the Supreme Council are chosen from among them.

Brethren raised to the 33rd° Degree
‘Inspector General Honorary’