ANCIENT & ACCEPTED Scottish rite: 24th° DEGREE – prince of the tabernacle
In Summary:
The 24th degree of the Scottish Rite, known as the “Prince of the Tabernacle,” emphasizes the importance of fidelity to obligations and perseverance of purpose, even in the face of difficulties and discouragement. This degree teaches that a Mason must demonstrate compassion, piety, and justice. The degree is also known as Brother of the Forest (Northern Jurisdiction).
Initial Note:
In this degree, a Mason must show evidence of compassion, piety, and justice. After initiation he may “manifest faithfully the social virtues in order to receive the rewards”, to serve humanity through our brotherhood.
Regalia Notes:
The collar is a broad, watered scarlet ribbon worn from right to left. On the front is embroidered in gold, a winged globe, and under it a scarab, under which is a brilliant butterfly; all are symbols of immortality. The girdle is of light-green Morocco leather, fringed below with gold, and edged with gold lace. From this belt is suspended the jewel of the preceding degree, a silver censer, and the jewel of this degree, the Phoenician letter Aleph.
The apron is of white lambskin, lined with scarlet and bordered with light green. In the middle is painted a representation of an Arabic tent, in gold. On the light blue flap is a representation of a myrtle tree of violet color, also an emblem of immortality.
The jewel is the Phoenician letter ‘A’ (Aleph), suspended from a short collar of narrow, watered violet-colored ribbon. It is another manifestation of the Pentagram, or Five-Pointed Star, because the star, viewed from any angle figures the letter ‘A’. Since ‘A’ is the initial of one of the principal names of Deity, Adonai, or LORD, this star is a sign of intellectual omnipotence and autocracy.
Duties are:
• Labour incessantly for the glory of God, the honor of your country, and the happiness of your brethren.
For Reflection:
• Is the doctrine of the immortality of the soul consoling to you a source of menace and despair or merely a superstition?
• The power of faith in the Deity and his promises.
The soul is immortal. There is one, true God, who is pure, with absolute intellect and existence.
Important Symbols:
• Grips of the Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, five-pointed star, the character Caleb.
Additional Notes:
Having received the instruction of the Chief of the Tabernacle in the 23rd Degree, an adaptation of the ancient initiation into the Lesser Mysteries, we now stand on the threshold of the Greater Mysteries. The previous degree presented the lesser Mysteries almost exclusively as a Hebrew or Judaic tradition. The mysteries were not confined to the Hebrews and here we encounter deities from the most advanced cultures and countries of the past.
Purchase ‘A Bridge To Light‘ by Rex R. Hutchens
Purchase ‘Morals & Dogma‘ by Albert Pike.
Please view the video on the left, for a more detailed explanation of the 24th° Degree.