
White Shrine of Jerusalem, is Freemasonry for Women and is a not-for-profit fraternal body organized under a charter of incorporation dated October 23, 1894, and recorded in the office of Recorder of the State of Illinois on June 18, 1895. It is an international organization with Shrines throughout the United States and Canada. The term “White” does not refer to race. Rather, it refers to the purity of the life of Jesus Christ. We are not connected to the Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners International) to which some Master Masons belong.


Who can join the Order?

Membership in the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem consists of women who have a relationship through birth, marriage, or legal adoption to a Master Mason in good standing or who was in good standing at the time of his death in some regular Masonic Lodge. It is also open to Master Masons in good and regular standing and who have no restraining factors placed on them by their specific Grand Lodge. Furthermore, members are either active for three years or a majority of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls or Job’s Daughters International who have attained the age of eighteen (18) years of age. Petitions for membership, based on Rainbow or Job’s Daughters membership, shall include a recommendation signed by a Master Mason in Good Standing.

The Order’s Purpose

The purpose of the White Shrine is threefold: Spiritual, Charitable, and Fraternal. Its aim is to bring together men and women of a high moral and social character to share their desire to spread the Gospel, aid and assist those less fortunate, and create enjoyable experiences for themselves.

What is the Foundation of the Order and what is the Benevolent Program?

Like the members of the Masonic Lodge and other appendant bodies, members of the White Shrine must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. However, the White Shrine goes one step further, requiring members to profess a belief in Jesus Christ as the Saviour and Redeemer of the World. Our Order does not attempt to replace the Church. Rather, it enriches the teachings of the Church. It is a very effective means of spreading the Simple Gospel of the Prince of Peace.

The basis for the existence of the White Shrine is our benevolent fund, commonly known as the Material Objective. It is not limited to any particular physical or medical problem. Through voluntary donations and our endowment fund, we are able to assist those in need of rehabilitation, regardless of race, creed, sect, or gender. A need must be verified and all other methods of assistance must be exhausted. Subordinate Shrines are allowed a specified number of cases each year. Supreme Law prescribes the maximum limit for each case. The Material Object is administered by a Board of five members, elected by the Supreme Shrine.

What does Fraternal Relations Mean?

The White Shrine achieves its fraternal aspect through regular meetings, social activities, and fund-raising projects. Through dinners or similar activities, the Subordinate Shrines are encouraged to have functions that reach our and include members of concordant and other Masonic-affiliated organizations, as well as the community.

What are some activities of the Order?

Members are encouraged to attend at least a monthly meeting of their Shrine. Some Shrines have two meetings a month. Most Shrines have social activities or fund-raising projects such as dinners, breakfasts, fashion shows, bazaars, or staffing booths at fairs.

How does one join the order?

Joining the White Shrine is easy; simply obtain a petition from a friend or acquaintance or the Worthy Scribe of a Subordinate Shrine. Fill in the requested information and submit it, along with the initiation fee, to the Subordinated Shrine. An investigating committee will visit with you and ask a few questions to verify your Masonic Affiliation. After the results of their visit are reported at a Shrine Meeting and a vote is taken, you will be notified when to attend for initiation.

What is the initiation process?

There is but one degree in the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem. Its obligation is based upon the honor of those who obtain it, and once voluntarily assumed, is perpetual. Candidates are taken back over the ages that are past to experience the events surrounding the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What is Supreme Shrine?

While Subordinate Shrines provide activities on a local level for members, there is an international level of the organization under which the Subordinate Shrines are organized. This is known as the Supreme Shrine. It provides administration for the Constitution and Bylaws under which each individual Shrine operates. Supreme Shrine meets annually, in May, for their legislative session.