The Honorable Order of the Blue Goose is a fraternal and charitable organization that was founded in 1906. It was established by a group of insurance fieldmen who were meeting at the Oakwood Hotel in Green Lake, Wisconsin at the time of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The organization was created as a joke to initiate three new unsuspecting insurance field men into a fake lodge, the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Blue Goose. The organization has since grown to around 6,000 members and around 50 Ponds (local groups) throughout the United States and Canada.
The organization is made up of men and women who work in the insurance industry and its members are called “Ganders.” The organization has secret initiation ceremonies and officers hold titles such as:
- Most Loyal Grand Gander
- His Highness, Supervisor of the Flock
- Grand Custodian of the Goslings
- Grand Wielder of the Goose Quill
- Grand Keeper of the Golden Goose Egg
- Guards to the Grand Custodian of the Goslings
The organization’s main focus is on charity and fellowship.
According to the official website of the Blue Goose, the organization’s mission is to promote “fraternity, charity, and loyalty among its members” and to “foster and promote a closer relationship among the members of the insurance industry.” The organization also supports various charitable causes and organizations through its charitable arm, the Blue Goose International Foundation.
Overall, the Honorable Order of the Blue Goose is an organization that promotes fraternity, charity, and loyalty among its members, who work in the insurance industry. Since the order was established, it has grown to be a significant fraternal and charitable organization with around 6,000 members and 50 Ponds (local groups) throughout the United States and Canada.

For more information or if you would like to join, please visit the following URLs:
Or, go to the MASONIC LODGE LIST and select the appropriate lodge in your jurisdiction.