The Ladies of the Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA) is a Masonic-affiliated organization for women. It was established in 1890 as an auxiliary to the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (AAONMS), also known as the Shriners, which is a fraternal organization for men.
The LOSNA is a charitable organization that focuses on supporting the Shriners Hospitals for Children and other philanthropic causes. Members of the LOSNA, known as the “Ladies,” engage in a variety of activities to raise funds for these charitable endeavors, such as hosting events, selling merchandise, and conducting raffles.

The LOSNA is divided into units called “Courts,” which are typically located in the same geographic area as a Shriners temple. Each Court is governed by a set of elected officers, including a Queen and a set of officers. The organization is also divided into regions, with a Regional Director overseeing the Courts within their region.
The LOSNA is a unique organization that allows women to support the Shriners Hospitals for Children and other charitable causes, while also providing opportunities for camaraderie and community service. However, it is important to note that the LOS and the Shriners are separate organizations, and membership in one does not guarantee membership in the other.
Requirements & Goals
To become a member of the LOSNA, ladies must meet the following criteria:
- At least 18 years of age
- Resident for a least six (6) months in the area which membership is desired
- Have one of the following affiliations:
- Related to by birth, marriage or adoption to a Master Mason or a Noble of Shriners International, in good standing. If relative is deceased, he must have been in good standing at the time of death; or
- Be sponsored by two (2) members in good standing of the Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America.
More information about joining can be obtained here:
The LOS is a charitable organization that focuses on supporting the Shriners Hospitals for Children and other philanthropic causes. Members of the LOS, known as the “Ladies,” engage in a variety of activities to raise funds for these charitable endeavors, such as hosting events, selling merchandise, and conducting raffles. The 2022-23 Special Project for the LOS is Committed to Children, the Ladies of the Oriental Shrine was formed in 1914 by a group of women who wanted to have fun. As the years went by these Ladies became instrumental in the day-to-day care of the children in the Shrine Hospitals, holding babies, exercising limbs, feeding, nurturing, and encouraging them during very difficult times in their lives.
In terms of practices, the Marshal and Oriental Guide are at the North end of the line, and the Ceremonial Ladies are at the South end. H.P.: In devotional exercises, reverence is expressed to the open Bible by an Ancient Arabic sign. The members will receive instructions regarding this sign later. H.P.: Lady Oriental Guide ask the Divine Blessing.
It’s worth noting that there are other Masonic organizations with similar names, such as the Oriental Shriners, which was founded on February 7, 1877, in Troy, NY, and was granted a charter as Oriental Shrine Center of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine on February 27, 1877. The first nine members or Nobles were proposed and accepted for membership, and each paid dues of $1.
For more information or if you would like to join, please visit the following URLs:
Or, go to the MASONIC LODGE LIST and select the appropriate lodge in your jurisdiction.