99th° DEGREE – International GRAND Master
Embark on a mystical quest into the depths of the 99th degree, known as the International Grand Master, within the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim Freemasonry. Immerse yourself in the rich symbolism and profound teachings that lie at the heart of this degree. Join us as we unravel the enigmatic significance of Ptah, the eight stars, and the Winged egg, and delve into the esoteric knowledge surrounding the Works of the Philosopher’s Stone. Discover the hidden truths and sacred wisdom that await International Grand Masters on their initiatic journey.
The Enigmatic Presence of Ptah: Ancestor of the World At the center of the 99th degree, against a backdrop of a vibrant red, stands Ptah, the revered god from the ancient city known as Memphis. Ptah, also known as At-ka-Ptah in the Kemetic tradition, holds a significant position among the Egyptian Creator gods. As the patron of Sciences, arts, and crafts, Ptah assumes the role of the Spiritual Father of Freemasonry. Unravel the depths of Ptah’s symbolism and uncover the sacred knowledge embedded within his divine essence.
The Eight Stars and the Creative Forces Above the head of Ptah, eight stars gleam, representing smaller gods brought into existence by Ptah himself. Each star signifies a divine force contributing to the cosmic order. As International Grand Masters embark on their initiatic journey, the eight stars serve as guides, unveiling hidden wisdom and illuminating the path towards spiritual enlightenment. Dive into the intricate web of interconnected cosmic forces and harness their transformative power.
The Winged Egg: Symbolism of Cosmic Origin Embracing the doctrine of the origin of the Universe from a primordial point, the Winged egg takes center stage within the 99th degree. This powerful symbol encapsulates the cosmic potential for creation and renewal. As International Grand Masters contemplate the Winged egg, they delve into the depths of universal mysteries and unlock profound insights into the nature of existence itself. It serves as a reminder of the boundless possibilities inherent within the initiatic journey.
The Quest for the “Red Lion”: Alchemical Significance The 99th degree of the APRMM Freemasonry is devoted to the pursuit of knowledge concerning the “Red Lion.” This enigmatic phrase alludes to the alchemical quest for the Philosopher’s Stone, a legendary substance symbolizing spiritual transformation and enlightenment. International Grand Masters embrace the inner alchemical journey, transmuting their being from the base to the sublime, as they unravel the secrets of the “Red Lion” and unlock the transformative power within.
The 99th degree, the International Grand Master, within the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim Freemasonry, offers a profound exploration of symbolism and esoteric knowledge. From the presence of Ptah and the eight stars to the Winged egg and the quest for the “Red Lion,” International Grand Masters embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, spiritual enlightenment, and the pursuit of the divine wisdom that lies at the heart of the universe.