77th° DEGREE – Sublime Knight or Sage Theosopher
The 77th degree of the APRMM Freemasonry is known as the Sublime Knight or Sage Theosopher. In this degree, religious myths of various ages, are explored and delved into ancient theological studies, which unlock the mystical and transcendental aspects of Masonry, including the historic Dogmas of the Tree of Life.
Uncover the religious myths that shaped different ages of humanity, delve into the depths of ancient theological studies, and explore the mystical and transcendental facets of Masonry, including the historic Dogmas of the Tree of Life.
The 77th degree holds the key to understanding the rich tapestry of religious myths that have shaped humanity throughout different ages. As Sublime Knights or Sage Theosophers, Freemasons delve into the profound wisdom embedded within these myths, gaining insights into the spiritual, cultural, and philosophical beliefs of civilizations past.
This degree takes initiates on a fascinating exploration of ancient theological studies, where they encounter the deep and esoteric knowledge of the ancient world. Through rigorous study and contemplation, Freemasons gain a comprehensive understanding of the beliefs, practices, and doctrines that underpin diverse theological systems.
The Sublime Knight or Sage Theosopher degree embraces the mystical and transcendental aspects of Masonry, inviting initiates to venture beyond the material realm and explore the realms of higher consciousness. It offers a sacred space for deep introspection, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of divine truths.
Within this degree, Freemasons encounter the historic Dogmas of the Tree of Life, a symbolic representation of the interconnectedness between the divine and human realms. Initiates explore the intricate branches and sephirothic paths, unveiling the wisdom and spiritual insights encoded within this sacred symbol.
The study of religious myths and ancient theological studies within the 77th degree provides initiates with a broader perspective on the human quest for meaning and purpose. By understanding the diverse belief systems and the timeless wisdom embedded within religious narratives, Freemasons develop a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of all spiritual traditions.
Furthermore, the Sublime Knight or Sage Theosopher degree encourages initiates to integrate this knowledge into their daily lives, fostering personal growth, moral development, and a deeper connection with the divine. It emphasizes the importance of embodying the virtues and principles found within these ancient teachings, enabling individuals to become agents of positive change in the world.
As Sublime Knights or Sage Theosophers, Freemasons become stewards of ancient wisdom and guardians of the profound teachings of religious myths and ancient theological studies. They carry the responsibility of preserving and transmitting this esoteric knowledge to future generations, ensuring that the transformative power of these teachings continues to inspire seekers of truth.
The 77th degree of the APRMM Freemasonry, the Sublime Knight or Sage Theosopher, invites initiates to explore the religious myths of different ages, delve into ancient theological studies, and embrace the mystical and transcendental aspects of Masonry. Unlock the hidden wisdom encoded within these teachings and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of divine truths.

Of the APRMM