56th° DEGREE – Pontiff or Sage of Cadmia

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Brethren raised to the
56th° Degree
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The 56th degree of the APRMM Freemasonry, known as the Pontiff or Sage of Cadmia degree, serves as a profound School of Wisdom, offering Freemasons a transformative path towards the sublime aim of the Great Work – the spiritual restoration and elevation of humankind towards divine perception.

Within the Pontiff or Sage of Cadmia degree, Freemasons embark on a spiritual journey that seeks to uplift human consciousness and facilitate the realization of divine perception. This degree is a profound exploration of esoteric knowledge and practices aimed at illuminating the path of self-transformation and inner alchemy.

The central focus of the Pontiff or Sage of Cadmia degree is the concept of the Great Work. Freemasons engaged in this degree are guided towards the sublime aim of the Great Work, which encompasses the spiritual rehabilitation of individuals, leading to a heightened state of consciousness and a deepened connection with the divine.

Cadmia, as a symbol and allegorical reference within this degree, represents a sacred place or state of being, embodying wisdom, enlightenment, and spiritual transformation. Freemasons study and contemplate the profound teachings and practices associated with Cadmia, applying them to their personal journeys of self-realization and spiritual growth.

Through the Pontiff or Sage of Cadmia degree, Freemasons learn various esoteric practices, rituals, and symbolic interpretations that enable them to embrace the divine aspects of their existence. The degree serves as a gateway to unlocking hidden potentials, expanding consciousness, and attaining a deeper understanding of the self and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Furthermore, this degree emphasizes the importance of wisdom, discernment, and inner illumination in the pursuit of the Great Work. Freemasons engage in profound philosophical and metaphysical discussions, exploring the nature of reality, the mysteries of existence, and the significance of divine perception in the journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

The 56th degree of the APRMM Freemasonry, the Pontiff or Sage of Cadmia degree, stands as a School of Wisdom offering Freemasons a transformative path towards the sublime aim of the Great Work. Through the exploration of esoteric knowledge, rituals, and practices, Freemasons embark on a journey of spiritual rehabilitation and divine perception. This degree serves as a catalyst for personal growth, inviting Freemasons to embrace wisdom, self-transformation, and a profound connection with the divine. By integrating the teachings and practices of the Pontiff or Sage of Cadmia degree, Freemasons move closer to their spiritual potential, contributing to the elevation of humanity’s collective consciousness and the realization of a more enlightened world.

Webmaster’s Note: The colors in the 56th degree card do NOT in any way, shape or form, reflect anything to do with the LGBTQ++ movement.

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56th° Degree Apron
Of the APRMM