25th° DEGREE – knight of the brazen serpent
The 25th degree of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm (APRMM) Freemasonry delves deep into the exploration of man’s spiritual essence – the divine and immortal soul. It encourages the Mason to introspect, delving into the realms of faith, life, and the divine to truly comprehend the core of his being.
A Mason in the 25th degree embarks on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the depths of his faith, evaluating his life, and seeking an intimate understanding of his relationship with God. The focus is on gaining profound insight into one’s own spiritual nature. This is a contemplative process, reflecting upon the inherent purity and celestial attributes of the human soul, perceived as an eternal entity that transcends the physicality of existence.
In this degree, the Mason is reminded that within him exists a soul that is pure, celestial, and eternal. Through introspection, he is encouraged to align his life with his faith and his understanding of God. He is guided to cast aside external influences and distractions to achieve a clearer understanding of his inner self.
The 25th degree, therefore, serves as a catalyst for spiritual enlightenment and self-awareness. It underlines the importance of an inward journey, leading to a more profound understanding of one’s place within the broader cosmos and one’s relationship with the divine. By emphasizing the eternal nature of the soul, this degree reaffirms the spiritual foundation upon which Freemasonry is built.