17th° DEGREE – knight of the east and the west

Brethren raised to the
17th° Degree

In the 17th degree of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm (APRMM) Freemasonry, the teachings emphasize the supreme importance of allegiance to God, declaring it as the primary obligation of mankind. Furthermore, it imparts the lesson that any earthly governance not founded on the divine principles of God and His righteousness is destined to crumble.

This degree of APRMM Freemasonry inculcates a profound belief that our foremost loyalty should be devoted to God. This unswerving devotion underscores the essence of Masonic principles, placing spirituality at the core of every Mason’s life.

Further, the teachings of the 17th degree provide a profound insight into the transience of temporal governments. It imparts the wisdom that worldly governments not built on the firm foundation of God’s laws and His righteousness are inevitably doomed to fall.

This reflects the degree’s belief in the eternal nature of divine justice and righteousness.

In summary, the 17th degree of APRMM Freemasonry conveys profound lessons about the primary allegiance to God and the impermanence of worldly powers not anchored in God’s principles. These teachings inspire Freemasons to prioritize spiritual devotion and uphold divine righteousness in their lives.

17th° Degree Apron
Of the APRMM