In this engaging two-part lecture, based on his groundbreaking book “First Templar Nation”, acclaimed author Freddy Silva unveils a previously hidden chapter in the narrative of the enigmatic Templar knights. He delves into the Holy Grail, its whereabouts, the Templar’s clandestine initiation chambers, and evidence suggesting that the knights performed an ancient ritual where candidates were symbolically “resurrected”.
As far as secrets are concerned, this one has been remarkably well-preserved. The official record states that the Knights Templar was established in 1118 when the Order settled on Temple Mount in Jerusalem. However, what if the Templars were already operational a decade earlier, in a land two thousand miles westward? What if they were executing a secret mission to form Europe’s inaugural nation-state, and there, they instituted a kingdom within a kingdom?
All of this in a location that has been overlooked. Could this be a concealed truth or a conspiracy theory? The decision is yours.
More information here: The 900 Year Secret of the Knights Templar