Walt Disney was a 33rd Degree Freemason?
This claim is False!
Walt Disney was Not a 33rd-degree Freemason, there is no record of him being a 33rd-degree Freemason in any lodge anywhere in the world.
Based on a conspiracy theory initially proliferated by 2 groups. 1 Group headed by a crazy conspiracy theorist, professional liar, and hate criminal, Ms. Janett Ossebaard. The other group “Q” is headed by what is called “Qanons”. Both groups proliferate lies and hate speech, however in this particular instance, they claim that Walt Disney, even though he has been dead since 1966, is still in charge of the Walt Disney Media Empire and that he was personally responsible for many sex-related designs and drawings or Nazi symbolism inserted within Children’s cartoons.

First of all, the claim is nonsense, however, due to the incredible claims, there have been many people online that have debunked this, it is not a secret. For example, Janett Ossebaard makes a claim in her documentary “The Fall of the Cabal”, that the Cartoon film, “101 Dalmations”, contained a scene where the Nazi Swastika was ‘secretly’ drawn on the back of one of the Dalmation’s back.

For those that do not believe that the original does NOT have any Nazi Swastika, please watch the original scene below, proving Ossebaard’s claims are blatant lies.
So what about the Photo above, which shows the number 33 on the top right-hand side, and what about Walt Disney’s involvement in DeMolay?
Firstly, there does exist a photo and some records pertaining to Walt Disney being a member of DeMolay International, however, DeMolay International does not provide any members with the 33rd degree, let alone the 3rd degree. DeMolay youth fraternity is a quasi-masonic youth group. Find exact information about DeMolay in the Other Rites section of this website here: DeMolay.

The image on the Left shows Walt Disney together with other members of the DeMolay youth fraternity and organization dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives.
There is nothing nefarious about this, it is a registered fraternity. All claims made against the fraternity and Walt Disney are baseless but are blatant lies, slander, and defamation, which will ultimately lead to court action in due course since it has already made much damage to the good name of Walt Disney.
What about the claim regarding the number 33 on the photo shown above?
The number 33 refers NOT to any Masonic degree but it DOES refer to CLUB 33 !
According to Disney, Club 33 is named after its address at 33 Royal Street in New Orleans Square at Disneyland.
It is NOT a Masonic lodge, nor does it have anything to do with the 33rd degree in the Scottish rite of Freemasonry.

“Club 33, Royal Street was Walt Disney’s vision of a private dining club where he could bring dignitaries, celebrities, business partners, clients, and friends. Sadly, Walt never got to have a meal here, as he passed away before it was completed”.
“Club 33 opened on June 15, 1967, almost a year after New Orleans Square was dedicated, and just six months after Walt Disney died. True to his original vision, the club was an elegant success. Walt enlisted set designer Emile Kuri to develop its look”.

Another nonsense claim made by Qanon websites is that the image to the left is a picture of Walt Disney (which in reality it is not) in his masonic regalia.
somehow according to some extremists, especially those who participate in the group QAnon. Without a shred of evidence or proof, the extremists claim that Walt Disney was a freemason which is totally false.
Points to note:
• The image on the left is Not Walt Disney
• Walt Disney has a mustache, the gentleman on the left does not have a mustache
• Walt Disney did not have a removable mustache
• There is no record of Walt Disney being a member or even visiting the Caledonian Lodge N#392.
• The gentleman to the left looks nothing like Walt Disney.
• All claims made by Janett Ossebaard and Q-cult are nonsense.
Ossebaard, together with Qanons, support the crazy claims made in Ossebaard’s documentary. All of the claims are lies! Here is a small list of some of them:
• Ossebaard opens the documentary by referencing overturned cars and some other “anomalies” that were present in the wake of the wildfires in 2019. But fire tornadoes are a well-known, widely documented phenomenon that anyone who spent 30 seconds actually looking into these types of incidents would know about.
• I’m no fan of Mark Zuckerberg or Facebook, however Ossebaard claims that an obviously photoshopped fake tweet from Mark Zuckerberg where he mentions orgies with children and ingesting adrenochrome, was copied from a post during his anniversary in Maui and the original text was photoshopped over. Just absolute pure nonsense and easily researched and debunked, yet most of Ossebaard’s followers and Qanons, believe it.
• The inclusion of a scene from the cable TV show The Royals which the narrator claims is the nude victim of a sex crime escaping from Buckingham Palace. https://vimeo.com/122030669
• Ossebaard says that Fiji Water is bottled “on the island of Wakanda!”. This is a comic book fictitious island, yet none of her followers have questioned this, they all just blindly believe it.
• Ossebaard Claims Abraham Lincoln was opposed to the Federal Reserve, despite the fact that he died years before it even existed. One doesn’t need to be Einstein to figure out this simple mathematical calculation, after checking the dates.
• The lie that Q’s first post was merely a series of tripcodes, while intentionally cropping out the rest of the actual contents of that first message, that Hillary Clinton’s passport had been flagged so she couldn’t flee her impending arrest, taking place the morning of 10/30/17, and that the U.S. National Guard had been mobilized to handle the organized rioting that would occur in protest to her arrest.
• Ossebaard blatantly lies about Trump’s name not being listed on the Epstein flight logs. When one checks it, Trump’s name is clearly listed there.
• Many of her examples of inappropriate visuals hidden in Disney cartoons are known photoshops and not present in the original clips/pictures.
• One of the Pizzagate emails shown on-screen (the Hillary-to-Obama “When we began the pizza arrangement” email) is a blatant fake and everyone who had actually researched Pizzagate objectively already knows this. It’s one of several of the more notable fakes. That email can’t be found by searching WikiLeaks because it doesn’t exist.
A more in-depth analysis is provided in the following claim which directly debunks Janett Ossebaard’s claims down to the last one, complete with a detailed source list for every single claim Ossebaard has made, in both the first documentary and the sequel. To view the debunking page click here:
For those that would like some source material that debunk the Walt Disney images and videos:
How do Ossebaard And Q, manage to get away with this so easily?
Janett Ossebaard, throughout her productions, uses a tactic called “Shifting the burden“. This results in most of the claims in her documentaries relying purely upon shifting the burden of proof. There is absolutely no evidence for so many of the extraordinary blatant lies and claims made, in fact as has been shown above, blatant outright lies are the order of the day, yet viewers are simply invited to believe these absurd claims if they can’t prove them wrong.
A significant percentage of people, in a state of shock or disbelief, will initially believe such claims if the production is done the right way and the viewer watches the production in a particular state of mind of anger. Thanks to the preparation and the constant hate speech and messages pumping out of the Q-Cult’s ‘Q-Drop’ website and discussions within several telegram groups, the mental state has been prepped perfectly for this type of state of mind, thus Ossebaard knows this and has played on this perfectly. These types of people are Ossebaard’s audience.
or click on the above image to watch the video.
(Age restriction applies although no rude bits are shown)
Just Who Is Janett Ossebaard?
Janett Ossebaard, the creator of the “Fall of the Cabal” and “Fall of the Cabal Sequel”, reading her book about ‘Crop Circles’, totally naked in the snow, in a weak attempt to attract viewers and more customers to purchase her books and other nonsense.

In conclusion, for someone like Janett Ossebaard, a professional liar, a hate criminal, and a slanderous defamer, to make a negative video documentary referencing evil with many sexual references about others, to then make her own promotional video, using sexual references as shown above, is not only contradictory but also obvious that we are dealing with a complete charlatan looking to sell more books and material on Ossebaard’s site for monetary gain. Thus this claim regarding Walt Disney is now completely debunked. The burden of proof is now on the opposite side, Ossebaard… good luck with that!