CLAIM #21:
Victor M. Ramos claims that Freemasons worship Satan, Lucifer and Moloch and that ‘only masons from the 30th to 33rd degree know ‘the truth’ ?
This claim is False and Disturbing!
The claims made by this man who claims to have been a Freemason, are not only false but also incredibly disturbing and his video is frequently used by Pentacostal Evangelist Christian Extremists and born again Christians, to slander the Fraternity since 2008. This video has been the source of much hate speech and the like, which, sadly, is repeated by many others, especially in the Pentacostal Evangelistic Christian Extremist and Born Again Christian communities.
Victor M. Ramos, an extremist Christian and hate criminal, makes the claim he was a Master Mason, but in reality Mr. Ramos was NEVER a Freemason, and displays a FAKE lodge ID with FAKE certificate.
The reasons why someone would promote such lies, but it all comes down to mostly just a few main points. These main points are the catalyst of most of the hatred spread about the Freemason Fraternity. They are:
1/ Excessive and Extreme ignorance.
2/ Extremely Low IQ individuals with a demented imagination.
3/ Deep hatred of the Fraternity passed down from other extremely Low IQ individuals.
4/ A nefarious need to deceive the population and slander the Fraternity in order to acquire more followers into their church or Christian Extremist congregation.
5/ Extremism and stupidity.
In the video among the nonsense claims he makes, which will all be listed below, there are several images shown where if one is not a Freemason, one could easily be tricked into thinking they are real, when in reality they are all fake.
Although against my better judgement, I have provided a link to the offending video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T07HVtGu850
CAUTION: This video is extremely upsetting to Freemasons due to the deep lies and falsehoods claimed, yet it must be known so that future Freemasons can understand and deal with this type of Low IQ and imbecilic and offensive claims made in this video.
Below is a comprehensive analysis and debunking of all of the claims Mr. Victor M Ramos has made:
The Images

Mr. Victor M Ramos (Aka Fake Freemason and Hate Speech Criminal), claims that the following documents (LEFT) are his official certificates of proof that he was raised to the 3rd degree.
Note that these certificates are completely fabricated and fake, they are NOT real, they are just made up with Word, had a border around it with the Masonic Square and Compass logo at the top and then filled out with handwriting. No official stamps, no official graphics. Nothing of the sort.
The documents on the LEFT are FAKE.
What Mr. Ramos does not understand is that it is very easy for Freemasons to check and see if his claims are legitimate by both way of certificate, the statements he makes as well as there being a list of every single man who has joined Freemasonry, including their rank which is available online in several places.
Note that Freemasons have a name for people like Mr. Ramos and that is ‘Cowan’.
In Freemasonry, the term “Cowan” has a specific meaning. According to Albert Mackey, a prominent 19th-century Masonic author and historian, a “Cowan” is described as a non-Mason.
More specifically, in Masonic terminology, a Cowan is an outsider or a non-initiated person who is curious or prying into Masonic matters or secrets. This term is traditionally used in a somewhat derogatory sense, indicating someone who lacks the proper qualifications or understanding of Freemasonry, yet attempts to infiltrate or understand its ceremonies and practices.
Note the extreme differences between the certificate at the top LEFT and this one to the RIGHT which are quite obvious, but there are other subtle differences which I will not mention here, but important in order to understand which certificates are real or not. Those that are real Freemasons will understand this because they will have a real one in their possession and will have gone through the process to understand how to spot a fake certificate.
Please also note that the certificate to the RIGHT, is an Old certificate no longer in circulation, but it is a legitimate one, which is why I have shown it here, solely for the purposes of debunking.
Important: I have not used a current certificate on purpose so that these cowans do not copy them and photoshop their names on it.

The Claims
Things to be aware of. Throughout this list of claims, you will notice the word ‘illuminati’. This word directly relates, in context, to the non-masonic secret society named ‘The Bavarian Illuminati’ which was founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 and was dissolved in 1785 never to appear again.
1/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “to be a mason you can be a devil worshipper and you can be an athiest, they don’t care”
The Facts: This is complete nonsense.
A candidate that claims to ‘worship the Devil/Satan’ will NEVER be admitted into the fraternity. Period.
2/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Rothchilds are Freemasons and that they are the ‘Satanic Children of Satan’.”
The Facts: There were only 2 Rothchilds that were Freemasons, named ##### and ##### from the early 18#####, well before the famous #### Rothschild who is not and are not Freemasons nor are they ‘children of Satan’, as one who has studied previous sections in this debunking, that would be ‘impossible’ because Satan is not a name of an individual, but rather a ‘function’.
3/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that ‘dues’ are paid by giving land or whatever to persons high up in the fraternity”
The Facts: This is complete nonsense.
Dues are paid either in Cash or via credit/debit card via a bank account. Land is not accepted as a payment.
4/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that Freemasons are also the same as illuminati and that you have to be a Freemason to be an illuminati member”
The Facts: This is complete nonsense.
Firstly ‘Illuminati’ have not existed for the last few hundred years. Secondly, Freemasons are Not Illuminati, nor are any Freemasons illuminati members. Please see here for a complete debunking of illuminati here and a historical explanation of the illuminati here.
5/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Claims that Jesuits are masons and that even the pope is a Freemason”
The Facts: This is nonsense.
Jesuits Can become Freemasons, however it is frownd upon, infact Jesuits that become Freemasons could be excommunicated. Additionally, no Popes have been officially recognized as Freemasons. The Catholic Church has historically had a contentious relationship with Freemasonry. Since the 18th century, the Church has consistently condemned Freemasonry and prohibited Catholics from becoming members. This stance was formally articulated in several papal encyclicals, most notably the Papal Bull – “In Eminenti Apostolatus” by Pope Clement XII in 1738, and later reaffirmed by other popes. See here for details.
6/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Everything (the world) is controlled by the ‘white and black pope’, whilst suggesting that the white and black squares in the lodge reference the white and black pope – eg controlled by the Jesuits.”
The Facts: This is nonsense.
The World is NOT controlled by Freemasons, nor do the black squares in the lodge floor reflect that.
The black and white checkered flooring in a Masonic lodge, known as the mosaic pavement, symbolizes a number of philosophical concepts within Freemasonry. It is often interpreted as a representation of the dual nature of life and the universe: the juxtaposition of good and evil, light and darkness, and other opposing elements of human existence. This symbolic floor serves as a reminder to Masons of the ever-present contrast in the world, encouraging them to navigate and understand these contrasts in their lives. The design is rooted in historical and allegorical meanings, reflecting the complex symbolism that Freemasonry embraces in its teachings and rituals.
Debunking information about Freemason world domination conspiracy can be found here.
7/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that Freemasons use certain ‘hand signs’ including Pyramid”
The Facts: This is complete nonsense.
There are No ‘hand signs’ in Freemasonry, especially a ‘triangle’ or ‘pyramid’ hand sign.
8/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “The devils horns are illuminati and the Shriners”
The Facts: This is complete nonsense.
There are no devils horns in Freemasonry, neither does the illuminati exist. There are no ‘devils horns’ in the Shriners either.
9/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Moloch is worshiped by Freemasons and the people that go to bohemian grove”
The Facts: This is nonsense.
There is No Worship of any kind in any Masonic Lodge during a masonic meeting or in the Sth during dinner.
For information about the Bohemian Club/Grove (which is NOT Masonic), please see here for more details.
10/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “the masons will control the single government of the world (one world government) and that the Freemasons are the foot soldiers of the illuminati”
The Facts: This is complete nonsense.
The World is NOT controlled by Freemasons. Freemasons are not the ‘foot soldiers’ of the illuminati.
The illuminati have NOT existed for more than 238 years !
11/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that the ‘All seeing eye is lucifer”
The Facts: This is complete nonsense.
The All-Seeing Eye, particularly when depicted atop a pyramid as in the Great Seal of the United States, is a symbol rich in meaning and steeped in historical and esoteric significance. This symbol, known also as the Eye of Providence, has various interpretations:
- Divine Providence: In its most common interpretation, especially in Western Christian iconography, the All-Seeing Eye represents the eye of God watching over humanity, signifying divine providence and the idea that God sees and knows all. The use of this symbol in this context is meant to convey the message that God is always watching and is omniscient.
- Enlightenment and Illumination: The eye, particularly within a triangle, can also be seen as a symbol of enlightenment. The eye within the capstone of a pyramid, separated from the rest of the structure, suggests the idea of ultimate knowledge and insight that comes from above.
- The Great Seal of the United States: On the Great Seal, this symbol has specific significance. The unfinished pyramid signifies strength and duration; the eye above it and the motto, “Annuit Coeptis” (meaning “He approves [or has approved] our undertakings”), suggest that the nation’s success (symbolized by the pyramid) has a divine approval.
- Masonic Symbolism: In Freemasonry, the All-Seeing Eye is a symbol of watchfulness and the acknowledgment of a higher moral and spiritual authority. However, it’s important to note that the symbol’s use on the Great Seal predates the formal establishment of Freemasonry in the United States.
- Esoteric and Occult Interpretations: In various esoteric and occult traditions, the All-Seeing Eye takes on different meanings, often associated with knowledge, awakening, and spiritual insight.
It is crucial to recognize that the interpretation of symbols can vary greatly depending on cultural, religious, and historical context. The All-Seeing Eye, with its deep roots in various traditions, encapsulates a range of meanings from divine oversight to human enlightenment.
12/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that freemasons are also linked to the ‘council of 13’ and the council of 30 and the council of foreign relations and that they are also linked to the world’s six biggest companies in the entire world who own all the media, real estate and everything else.”
The Facts: This is complete and utter nonsense.
Freemasonry has no links with the ‘council of 13’ and the ‘council of 30’ or any other ‘foreign relations’ entity. Freemasons also do NOT own ‘all the media, real estate and everything else’. The statement is a generalistic and simplistic claim that has no basis in reality whatsoever.
13/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Warren Buffett is a 33rd degree mason and rules the world”
The Facts: Complete Nonsense.
Warren Buffett is NOT a 33rd Degree Mason, there are no records of Warren Buffet ever being admitted or raised to the 3rd degree anywhere in the world either. Warren Buffett, the renowned American businessman and philanthropist, is widely known for his investment acumen and leadership of Berkshire Hathaway, and much of his life and career are in the public domain.
14/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that satanic ritual abuse is performed by Freemasons”
The Facts: This is complete and utter nonsense and extremely offensive to Freemasons.
There is NO sacrifice and NO worship of any kind in any Masonic lodge meeting or in the Sth during dinner.
This claim is extremely offensive to Freemasons and is considered hate speech, thus a hate crime.
15/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that Freemasons invented one world religion, one world currency and will one day rule the world and to ‘usher in the Anti-Christ’ and ‘Mark of the Beast’.”
The Facts: Complete and utter nonsense.
Freemasonry is NOT a religion, nor has Freemasonry invented any religions. Freemasonry did not invent a ‘one world currency’ as Freemasonry has nothing to do with the Financial sector, it is simply a Fraternity. Freemasonry does NOT ‘usher in’ the Anti-Christ or Mark of the Best. To suggest such is hate speech and a hate crime.
16/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “to have seen ‘all this first hand’ “
The Facts: Complete and utter nonsense.
Mr. Ramos has NEVER been a Freemason, nor has he seen anything inside a Masonic lodge during a meeting as Cowans are not permitted to enter the lodge. Mr. Ramos is a ‘Cowan’, a Fake Mason who likes to fabricate nonsense stories about the Fraternity whilst partaking in hate speech.
17/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “to have seen ‘rituals and when Freemasons try to kill you’ “
The Facts: Complete and utter nonsense.
Again this statement by Mr. Ramos is extremely offensive and untrue. Freemasons do NOT try to kill people during rituals!
What Mr. Ramos has done is deceptively confuse part of the 3rd degree ritual scene as follows:
- The Story of Hiram Abiff: Hiram Abiff is portrayed as the chief architect of King Solomon’s Temple. The scene includes three fellow workers (the ruffians) who demanded the secrets of a Master Mason from Hiram, believing that obtaining this knowledge would grant them significant privileges. When Hiram refused to divulge these secrets, insisting that they were not yet ready to receive them, each of the three ruffians assaulted him. The third and final assault resulted in Hiram’s death.
- Symbolism of Integrity and Loyalty: Hiram Abiff’s refusal to give up the secrets, even in the face of death, symbolizes fidelity and integrity. He is seen as a model of loyalty to one’s values and commitments, demonstrating that certain principles are worth safeguarding at any cost.
- Allegory of the Human Condition: The murder of Hiram Abiff can be interpreted as an allegory of the human condition, depicting life’s challenges, moral struggles, and the inevitability of death.
- Masonic Teachings on Mortality: The story of Hiram Abiff serves as a potent reminder of mortality and the transient nature of life. It encourages Masons to reflect on their own lives and the legacy they will leave behind.
- Resurrection and Enlightenment: The ritual surrounding Hiram Abiff also includes themes of resurrection or rebirth, symbolizing the attainment of higher spiritual and moral enlightenment, akin to a new phase of life with greater understanding and wisdom.
- Moral and Ethical Lessons: Freemasons interpret the story as a moral lesson on the virtues of loyalty, integrity, and the constant pursuit of truth and knowledge.
18/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that when you are doing the 3rd degree they simulate stabbing you and killing you”
The Facts: This is taken out of context due to the nature of the scene described above of the murder of Hiram Abiff.
Ramos’ claims are a clear exercise in slander of an individual that knows nothing about the the story of Hiram Abiff.
19/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Freemasons mock baptism and that it is really a blood baptism”
The Facts: Absolute and total nonsense.
Freemasonry does NOT ‘mock’ any religion or baptism whatsoever. This claim is total nonsense.
20/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “water used (which there is none) is symbolic to blood and freemasons must get into a bath tub and bathe in it and this is how freemasons do their rituals”
The Facts: Absolute and utter nonsense.
Freemasons do NOT get into a bath tub and bathe in water in rituals. This again is utter nonsense and clearly Mr. Ramos has a wild imagination combined with a psychological issue of a bath tub and blood ritual fetish.
21/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Freemasons are all homosexuals and that they have to be like baphomet”
The Facts: Absolute nonsense.
Within the context of homosexuality, Freemasonry does not discriminate an individual’s sexual preferences which are private and have absolutely nothing to do with Freemasonry or Masonic Ritual. There is also no reference to ‘Baphomet’ in any Masonic Ritual. Mr. Ramos’ comments are not only extremely offensive but also extremely discriminatory. It is simply hate speech.
See here for information about debunking the ‘Baphomet’ nonsense claim.
22/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Baphomet is the god of the knights templar”
The Facts: Total and utter nonsense.
The Templars’ God was NOT Baphomet. For more information about debunking this nonsense conspiracy theory, please see here for more details.
23/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Freemasons worship Lucifer who is represented as Baphomet”
The Facts: Complete nonsense
There is no Worship of any kind in a Masonic Lodge meeting nor is there any worship in the Sth during dinner.
Mr. Ramos’ comments are clearly deceptive and based on complete ignorance.
24/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “freemasons eat fecal matter, drink urine but claims he never did that because he wasn’t ‘high enough’ from the 30th degree to the 33rd degree where they expose everything to you and you must do it.”
The Facts: This is complete and utter nonsense and quite offensive.
Freemasons do NOT eat fecal matter and Freemasons do NOT drink urine. Period.
These claims by Mr. Ramos are extremely offensive and prove his extremely low IQ and clearly shows Mr. Ramos is quite a sick minded individual.
25/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “Freemasons sell themselves to the devil”
The Facts: Complete and utter nonsense.
Freemasons do NOT sell themselves to the ‘devil’. This is again just nonsense rhetoric and drivel from an individual with a very Low IQ.
26/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that if a Freemason approaches a person, that person must run, must stay away from the mason, don’t stay close”
The Facts: This is quite offensive and hurtful.
The rhetoric employed by Pentecostal Evangelistic Christian Extremists and Born Again Christian communities often serves to instill fear and concern. They use this approach to dissuade individuals from joining the Masonic fraternity, hoping that such fear will make people reconsider their decision to join. This tactic is a clear strategy by these extremist groups to hinder new memberships in the Masonic fraternity and instead redirect potential members towards Pentecostal Evangelistic extremist and Born Again Christian community churches.
27/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “If you have money you can buy your way up (as in degrees)”
The Facts: Complete Nonsense.
In order to obtain a higher degree, one must complete the study of that degree and prove his proficiency of that study, during a lodge meeting. If the Mason has not proven his proficiency, he is not allowed to advance to the next degree until his proficiency is proven successful. No amount of money will or can change that. This is yet again more proof that Mr. Ramos has absolutely no clue what he is talking about.
28/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that Bill Cosby is a Mason”
The Facts: Utter nonsense.
Bill Cosby (the American Actor) is NOT a Freemason, nor is there any record of Bill Cosby ever joining or visiting a Masonic lodge as a Freemason or having been admitted into Freemasonry. Mr. Ramos’ claim is totally false.
29/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that if you expose a person as a Freemason they will go after you and kill you or your family because the government is part of it”
The Facts: Complete and utter nonsense as well as being quite offensive.
Freemasons do NOT kill you or your family if a Freemason is ‘exposed’ to be a Freemason publicly. Although it is up to the individual to decide whether they want to be known as a Freemason, there is no ‘killing’ of anyone or their family. This is extremely offensive and yet again, another fabrication by the obviously mentally ill Mr. Ramos, the hate criminal.
30/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that the Freemasons are in cahoots with the government”
The Facts: Absolute nonsense.
Freemasonry does NOT control the government. Although there are many Freemasons from the past who have been presidents or employees of the government, that does not suggest that Freemasonry controls the government. For if we were to use this kind of illogical drivel, then people who are ‘Christian’ would then need to be labelled as such and then could be stated that the ‘Christian Church’ runs the Government. Or if a member of the ‘Wal Mart’ shopping chain fan club were working in the government, then the government is run by Wal Mart. Absolute nonsense and drivel but not surprising due to Mr. Ramos’ Low IQ.
31/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that the country is in sectors which is run by Freemasons and that these sectors are controlled by witches and warlocks that are in charge of these sectors who then in turn monitor the satanic members”
The Facts: Total nonsense
Again, Freemasonry does NOT run the country, nor are they ‘witches and warlocks’ who ‘monitor the satanic members’.
Mr. Ramos clearly has mental issues and is unable to determine reality from his imagination. Absolute drivel.
32/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that freemasonry is satanic at the core and that the whole country (usa) is not based upon christianity but rather its all satanic”
The Facts: Absolute nonsense.
Freemasonry is NOT Satanic, nor is there any Worship of any kind in any lodge meeting or in the Sth during dinner.
Freemasonry is NOT based on Christianity, nor any other Religion, as Freemasonry is a Fraternity, not a religion.
33/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that Freemason’s god is money / Lucifer”
The Facts: Utter nonsense.
Freemasonry does NOT have a ‘God’ nor do Freemasons consider ‘Lucifer’ a god. Lucifer means ‘The Light Bringer’, it is NOT a
34/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that Freemasons don’t believe in god and that they hate god because their god is Lucifer”
The Facts: Total nonsense.
One of the criteria of becoming a Freemason is a declaration that you believe in a supreme being. Since Freemasonry does not discriminate between religions, it means that Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Taoists etc… can join freemasonry because they all believe in a ‘supreme being’. Mr. Ramos’ comments are discriminatory and offensive and are based on total ignorance. Freemasons do NOT worship Lucifer either.
35/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos Claims: “that he was involved with freemasonry and was involved with witches”
The Facts: Absolute nonsense.
Mr. Ramos was NEVER a Freemason, there is no official record anywhere that Mr. Victor M Ramos was a Freemason or was admitted into Freemasonry. There are no ‘witches’ in Freemasonry either.
36/ Mr. Victor M. Ramos notes: “his own phone number as being (US/Canada) +1 330 707 5159 and his email address is
The Facts: The actual owner of this number is unknown as well as the email address. However if it is, this is clear evidence to expose a hate criminal as all of his statements were on video, made by himself and confirmed by himself.
Here is what I believe should happen now. Mr. Victor M Ramos is obviously a misguided individual with severe mental illness pertaining to imaginary psychotic instances where he is unable to determine the difference between reality and his imagination. If anyone knows Mr. Ramos, please ask him to seek professional help in order to cure his mental illness.