CLAIM #10:
Freemasons Run The Police Force?
This claim is False !
Freemasons do NOT run the police, nor do they command the police or own the police or anything of the sort. This idea again, comes mostly from conspiracy theorists as well as ignorant extremists.
The claim that Freemasons control or run the police force is a misconception often propagated by conspiracy theorists and lacks substantial evidence. To critically assess and debunk this claim, it’s essential to examine the principles of Freemasonry, the structure of police forces, and the nature of their interaction.
Freemasonry’s Core Values and Practices:
- Practice Universal Charity: Freemasonry is renowned for its charitable work, which is a cornerstone of its philosophy. This charity is funded by the contributions of its members, who are typically individuals from various walks of life, including the working class. Their philanthropic efforts extend to various sectors, including public health and community services. The idea that their charitable activities imply control over these sectors, such as the police force or hospitals, is illogical and unfounded.
- Prohibition of Discussion on Religion and Politics: Freemasons are expressly forbidden from discussing religious and political matters during their lodge meetings. This rule is designed to maintain harmony and focus on the universal values of brotherhood, charity, and moral development. This policy further negates the possibility of Freemasons using their meetings to exert influence or control over external institutions like the police force.
Analysis of Police Force Structure and Governance:
- Police forces are public institutions governed by state and federal laws. They operate under a strict chain of command and are accountable to government bodies and the public. The suggestion that an external organization, like the Freemasons, could exert control over these entities contradicts the foundational principles of public service accountability and transparency.
Debunking the Conspiracy Theories:
- The claim about police badges being inverted pentagrams and symbolizing an evil or satanic influence is another example of a conspiracy theory lacking rational basis. Police badges are designed according to historical and cultural significance relevant to each police force and do not indicate any hidden or nefarious meanings.
In refertence to the image to the right —>
According to the conspiracy theorist, any institution that uses an inverted 5 star Pentagram means the association is Satanic and therefore Freemasonic. To read an absolute and decisive debunk of this claim, see Claim #2 for detailed information and complete debunking.
If this logic is used, then what happens when we assign the ‘Tetragrammaton’ as the 5 pointed Pentagram (which is provided both Upright and Inverted), which is one of the symbols that represent ‘God’, as stated in page 3 in the KJV Bible? Totally ridiculous !

According to the conspiracy theorist, apparently:
- Sth Australian, NSW and Northern Territory Police are not Satanic because there is no 5 point Pentagram
- Queensland Police use the Maltese Cross in their logo and therefore confirms they are Masonic
- All other Police in other states ARE Satanic and run by Freemasonry because they have the inverted 5 point Pentagram in their logos 🤦♂️
Logical Fallacies in Conspiracy Theories:
- Theories suggesting Freemason control over the police or other public institutions often suffer from logical fallacies, such as post hoc ergo propter hoc (assuming that because one thing follows another, it was caused by it) and non sequitur (a conclusion that does not logically follow from the premises). These fallacies reveal the lack of critical reasoning in such theories.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the claim that Freemasons run or control the police force is a baseless conspiracy theory. It disregards the structured and transparent nature of police governance, misinterprets the charitable activities of Freemasons, and fails to provide any credible evidence to support its assertions. The spread of such misinformation not only undermines the integrity of Freemasonry and police institutions but also distracts from the legitimate and commendable work carried out by these bodies.
Webmaster’s Personal Comment:
The contradictions and stupidity of the conspiracy theorist are epic, but when we apply this imbecilic zero-logic to the badges claim, it is raised to another level, which is why we have often seen groups of people chanting to police like crazed cultists, that police are freemasons. This insanity has to be called out for what it is. It is just plain Stupid. Sources won’t be supplied in this instance in the best interests of refraining from spreading any more stupidity such as this claim.