The Royal Order of Scotland is today a Scottish Order and is controlled from its headquarters in Edinburgh. It is presided over by a Deputy Grand Master and Governor, the titular headship being reserved for the hereditary King of Scots. Every subordinate Lodge is a Provincial Grand Lodge, each holding sway over a Province, whether within or without Scotland.
Two Degrees are worked:
– The Degree of Heredom of Kilwinning and;
– The Degree of Rosy Cross
Note the Degree of Rosy Cross is not to be confused with the 18th Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite or Rose Croix of Heredom.

The Degree of Heredom of Kilwinning is a peculiarly interesting Degree and full of instruction to Craft Masons, as in its lectures it explains the symbolism and teaching contained in the first three Degrees of Craft Masonry, with a demonstration of signs, grips, and words of each.
The Rosy Cross Degree tradition takes its origin on the field of Bannockburn on Summer St. John’s Day 1314 and was instituted by King Robert the Bruce who, having in the course of the battle for Scottish independence, received assistance from a body of Knights who may have been original Templars and Freemasons. He conferred upon them as a reward for their services the civil rank of Knighthood. It has been asserted by many, that the degree of the Rosy Cross contains the ceremonial formerly practiced by the Most Ancient Order of the Thistle.
Requirements of a Member & Regalia
You must have been an active Master Mason for a minimum of Five years and have a belief in the Christian Trinity.
The Regalia consists of an Apron, Garter, Two Sashes with Jewels, and a Star Jewel of the Order.

For more information or if you would like to join, please visit the following URLs:
Or, go to the MASONIC LODGE LIST and select the appropriate lodge in your jurisdiction.