Lodge Officer Duties
The Orator’s jewel is a scroll and in some jurisdictions has a strong tradition of Masonic research and education, and the presentation of papers by members is as common as degree ceremonies or other business. In such cases, the ‘Orator’ may present papers, or be responsible for their presentation by others. The Orator may also be called upon to present a paper to celebrate milestones in the life of the lodge.
In some European jurisdictions (e.g. Germany, Austria, France) the Orator (‘Redner’, i.e. speaker) is a kind of legal adviser, he is responsible for upholding the Constitution and By-Laws and prosecutor in masonic disciplinary proceedings. His ranking is right behind the Worshipful Master and his deputy. His jewel is the statute book. This kind of office is originating in the ‘Parlierer’ of medieval operative stonemasons.