AAFM – past master

Past Master’s Apron
Collar + Jewel
Past Master’s Jewel

Lodge Officer Duties:

The Past Master (Or in Grand Lodge, is called Grand Past Master) At the conclusion of his limited term of office, a Worshipful Master is termed a Past Master. The duties and privileges of Past Masters vary from lodge to lodge and jurisdiction to jurisdiction. For example, in some jurisdictions Past Masters become life members of the Grand Lodge, while in others they are not. In most jurisdictions, a Past Master retains the honorific “Worshipful” (as in “Worshipful Brother Smith”), however there are a few where this honorific is used exclusively for sitting Masters.

The corresponding grand rank is Grand Master. The Grand Master may preside over his Grand Lodge, and also has certain powers and rights in every lodge under his jurisdiction. Grand Masters are usually addressed as “Most Worshipful”, or as in Pennsylvania, USA “Right Worshipful”.

Location of the Past Master in a Lodge Meeting
Past Master – Complete Regalia