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Author: Bro Jacques DeMolay
Lodge: 1º. Apprentice2º. Companion3º. Master College 4º. Secret Master5º. Perfect Master6º. Intimate Secretary7º. Provost and Judge8º. Intendant of the Buildings9º. Master Elect of Nine10º. Illustrious Elect of Fifteen11º. Sublime Prince Elect12º. Grand Master Architect13º. Royal Arch14º. Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Master
WHY DEVELOP THIS WEBSITE? The author’s motivation for creating this website was also driven by the fact that his family and friends were unaware of the meaning and specifics of Freemasonry, and this lack of understanding was a result of the misinformation
Introduction: The Ancient & Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim (APRMM), a unique branch within Freemasonry, stands out with its extensive degree system, reaching up to 100 degrees in some jurisdictions, though commonly capped at between either 95 or 97 degrees. This article provides
The Scottish Rite is a unique and captivating branch of Freemasonry that offers a wide range of additional degrees, starting at the 4th degree and extending all the way up to the 32nd degree. There are also additional honorary degrees available, from
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