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Author: Bro Jacques DeMolay
WHY? A hate filled conspiracy theorist named William Guy Carr, wrote a book called “Pawns in the Game” published in 1958, makes a claim that Albert Pike wrote a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 predicting three global wars, detailing their causes,
John F. Kennedy’s Masonic Visit – In Context: In April 1961, President John F. Kennedy visited the George Washington Masonic National Memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia. This event is often noted in discussions about Kennedy’s relationship with Freemasonry and his broader historical
“Club 33, Royal Street was Walt Disney’s vision of a private dining club where he could bring dignitaries, celebrities, business partners, clients, and friends. Sadly, Walt never got to have a meal here, as he passed away before it was completed”. “Club
When read within context, and read ‘carefully’, one understands what Albert Pike is really saying. The quote in question mentions ‘Lucifer as the Son/Star of the Morning, the bearer of light’. We will dig deeper into this in a moment. Due to
What is actually stated in Genesis 3? Source: The first key phrase and keywords that are targeted here are the following, specifically in Genesis 3:7 So, let’s wade through the Pentecostal Evangelistic Extremist Christian’s narrative, which, in its charming simplicity, draws
Sidenote: There are several Elohim mentioned in the ‘Original’ Ancient Hebrew texts which are:• Elohim of the Israelites was a Male Elohim named Yahweh• Elohim of the Moabites was a Male Elohim named Kamosh• Elohim of the Ammonites was a Male Elohim named Milkom• Elohim of
LET’S GET REAL! Where did our current economic system really start, and who was responsible for it?In order to answer these questions, we must go to the source. In relation to the question and in the context of the Templars, we must