
The 5 Point Pentagram symbol used in Freemasonry, is Satanic?

This Claim is False!
Freemasonry is NOT a religion, neither is there any worship or satanic rituals of any kind and the Pentagram does not reference Satan whatsoever within the context of Freemasonry.

In order to understand this incredibly huge and complex issue, one must first understand what the Pentagram is, where it was first used and when others started utilizing the symbol for various means.


Source: Encyclopedia Britannica:

The pentagram, a five-pointed star typically drawn, using one continuous line of five straight segments, has been utilized throughout history as a symbol, often in the realm of magic or the occult. Its meaning has evolved and varied greatly over time, with it serving as a symbol of protection, perfection, the Devil, and humanity, among others. From a mathematical perspective, the segments of the pentagram exhibit the Golden Ratio, which may contribute to its aesthetic appeal.

The pentagram has been in use for thousands of years, appearing in ancient tombs and seals in Egypt and Mesopotamia, as well as on coins in Greece. It was a symbol of the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras and his followers and may have been used as a way for them to recognize each other. Some sources suggest that the Pythagoreans viewed it as a symbol of health and knowledge, and in some depictions, the Greek letters for the word “health” are placed at its points. Additionally, it may have been used as a symbol to ward off evil in ancient Greece and other cultures. It has also been observed on pottery of the ancient kingdom of Judaea, possibly as a mark of tax collectors.

In medieval Europe, the pentagram was used as a symbol of the five knightly virtues. In the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the titular Sir Gawain wears a golden pentagram on both his shawl and his shield as a mark of his virtue, loyalty, and kindness. Additionally, pentagrams were utilized as a defense against witches, evil spirits, and demons.

The pentagram, a five-pointed star typically drawn, using one continuous line of five straight segments, has a rich history of symbolism and meaning. In the 16th century, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim published a version of the pentagram that symbolized man as a perfected work of God, with the head, hands, and feet representing the five points and symbols of the five known planets surrounding them. French occultist Éliphas Lévi expanded on this concept in the 19th century with the “Tetragrammaton pentagram,” which incorporates various symbols representing human existence, including planetary and astrological symbols, symbols of the four elements, and Hebrew letters.

The pentagram was also utilized by the Freemasons, who sometimes placed a “G” in the center to represent Gnosis, generation, and the Grand Architect. A history of the Freemasons from the late 19th century notes the variety of uses for the pentagram, such as a symbol of man, a demon, protection, magic, and others.

In religious contexts, the pentagram has taken on different meanings. Among Muslims, it is known as Solomon’s seal and is thought to represent love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice. It is also the official symbol of the Bahāʾī Faith, where it is sometimes referred to as the haykal, which means “temple” or “body” in Arabic. Among Christians, it has symbolized the five wounds of Christ, the Star of Bethlehem, and Christ himself.

In modern times, the pentagram is most often associated with Neo-Pagan religions, especially Wicca. When depicted enclosed in a circle, it is known as a pentacle. In these traditions, the five points often represent the five elements of air, fire, water, earth, and spirit. For Wiccans, the pentagram may also symbolize masculine and feminine, or the Triple Goddess (three points) and the Horned God (two points). Many Neo-Pagans consider the pentagram a symbol of protection and may use it to invoke or banish spirits. The pentacle is the approved symbol of the Wiccan faith for use on headstones in U.S. government cemeteries.

The inverted figure of the pentagram, with two points facing upward and one facing down, is sometimes associated with negative or “black” magic and devil worship. The inverted pentagram is featured in the sigil of Baphomet, a symbol of the Church of Satan, an atheist organization that evokes the devil as viewed in Christianity but does not worship any gods or beings and does not require its members to perform any rituals, magical or otherwise. The sigil of Baphomet depicts a goat with its horns in the upturned points of the star. This likely stems from the 19th-century European revival of occult studies, during which time it was believed that a pentagram with one point facing upward symbolized ascendance, God, and supremacy of the spirit, and a pentagram with one point facing downward symbolized Satan, infernalism (everlasting torment), and descent of the spirit. This is likely the reason why in Wicca the pentagram is most often depicted with one point facing upward.

Source/Credit: Alison Eldridge

Specific information

Pentagram: from the Greek, “Pente”, meaning five, and “Gramma”, a letter; the pentagram is a five-pointed figure formed by producing the sides of a pentagon both ways to their point of intersection, so as to form a five-pointed star.

Pentalpha: The triple triangle, from the Greek words meaning five and, alpha, the letter A. The pentagram (also called pentacle, pentalpha, pentangle, pentacle, or pentangle) is thought by some occultists to trace its esoteric significance to an astronomical observance of the pattern of Venus’ conjunctions with the Sun and has had many meanings in many cultures through the ages. Although common usage often is to refer to depictions of a five-pointed star as pentagrams, a distinction can be made.

The outline of the pentagram or “endless knot” is a five-pointed star, but the five-pointed star itself does not necessarily represent the pentagram. While religious fundamentalists rarely make any distinction, some occultists and modern Wiccans will make even further distinctions and define the pentacle as the pentagram inside a pentagon or circle. Historically, the pentacle referred to any amulet, often incorporating a hexagram. “The words pentagram and pentacle (or pentacle) are not necessarily connected with the number 5. Pentacle probably comes from an old French word ‘to hang’ and means a talisman or, by extension, any symbol used in magical operations.” There is little agreement on these distinctions.

A further distinction should be made for its usage in European heraldry where stars are generally termed estoiles or mullets. Estoiles, at least in England, will have six wavy rays. Unless specifically described, if the rays are straight the star has termed a mullet and has five points. It should also be pierced since, properly speaking, it does not represent a star but depicts the rowel of a spur. It has no connection with celestial stars or the pentagram.

De Vogel, Goff, and Van Buren tell us that the use of the pentagram dates back to Uruk IV (c.3500BCE) in ancient Mesopotamia where the general sense seems to be “heavenly body.” By the cuneiform period (post-2600 BCE) the pentagram or symbol UB means “region”, “heavenly quarter” or “direction”. “That this symbol always has a specific unambiguous meaning continues to be an unsupported hypothesis.” It is found on potsherds in the location of Uruk (near the mouth of the Gulf), and more frequently on Jemdet Nasr (3100-2900 BCE) and Proto-Elamite tablets (3000-2500 BCE). Examples elsewhere are infrequent.

Historically, it does not appear to be equated with Venus. Venus is equated with the Sumerian goddess, Ishtar (Ishihara, Irini, Inanna) whose symbol is an eight or sixteen-point star. Amongst the Hebrews, the five-point symbol was ascribed to Truth and to the five books of the Pentateuch. In Ancient Greece, it was called the Pentalpha. Pythagoreans considered it an emblem of perfection or the symbol of the human being. The pentagram was also associated with the Golden Ratio ~ Fibonacci (which it includes), and the Dodecahedron, the fifth Platonic solid, which has twelve pentagonal faces and was considered by Plato to be a symbol of the heavens. Burkert says that the pentagram had a secret significance and power to the Pythagoreans, and was used as a password or symbol of recognition amongst themselves.

Is the 5-point pentagram satanic in its origin?

The answer is NO!

As shown above, the Pentagram is not only an ancient symbol, it is also representative of the Tetragrammaton amongst other things. However, it has long been a truism within occult circles that the pentagram, when one point is ascendant, is a symbol for the positive principle, and when two points are ascendant it is a symbol for the negative principle.

This is derived from a claim made by Éliphas Lévi that the direction of the rays of the pentagram determines if it represents the good or evil principle: one point up represents order and light, and two points up represent disorder and darkness. Lévi gives no justification or citation for this arbitrary distinction and goes on to arbitrarily equate the pentagram as a symbol for the Baphomet or goat-headed god. This ignores, or distorts, the pentagram’s inclusion, one point down, in Emperor Constantine’s seal, the later medieval depiction of it as a medical symbol of health, and its Christian representation as a symbol of the Transfiguration of Christ.

Medieval Symbol of Health
5 Point Pentagram (Both Directions)

Around 1966, a man named Anton LaVey, the then leader of the Church of Satan, designed the image shown to the right —>
Anton LaVey Copyrighted this symbol in 1968 and it was Trademarked with the words “Church of Satan” in 1983. Prior to 1968, the symbol was NEVER originally used to represent Satan or Evil, at all and is certainly not used or shown in the Bible or Torah.

The basis of this logo, bears its roots within the descriptive text of Eliphas Levi’s ‘Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie’ (1855-56 & 61) translated into English by A.E. Waite under the title Transcendental Magic) as well as another book, later published in 1897 named “La Clef de la Magie Noire, by French nobleman and occultist, Stanislas de Guaita. Both Levi’s and Guatia’s imagery, bear the same fingerprints and origins, all beginning from within their imaginations. Prior to these dates, no such logo or symbol has ever been used or designed, contrary to the claims made by the extremist community.

Copyright/Trademark 1968
Mr. Anton LaVey – Church of Satan

The logo is made up of 2 symbols, one the ‘inverted’ 5-star pentagram and the goat’s head of the Sabbath. This is also important to note, that the orientation of this symbol, is not the same as displayed on the forehead of Baphomet. See below for more details.

As we can see, Éliphas Lévi is the origin of the Good and Evil principle, it is not founded in Religion or fact, but only in his imagination. It was however, made into a satanic symbol by Mr. Anton LaVey in 1966, copying the images designed by Eliphas Levi and Stanislas de Guaita, to which Mr. LaVey trademarked the “Goat’s head within an inverted 5-point pentagram with the words “Church of Satan” in 1983! PRIOR to the date of 1855, this symbol with the goat’s head inside of an inverted 5-point pentagram did NOT exist Anywhere!

Roman Emperor Constantine’s Seal
(Notice, amongst the inverted Pentagram, the Chi Rho)

Who was emperor constantine?

Constantine I, known as Constantine the Great officially Flavius Valerius Constantinus, (born Feb. 27, after 280? CE, Naissus, Moesia—died May 22, 337, Ancyrona, near Nicomedia, Bithynia), First Roman emperor to profess Christianity.

The eldest son of Constantius I Chlorus, he spent his youth at the court of Diocletian. Passed over as successor to the throne, he fought to make himself emperor. Victory at the Milvian Bridge outside Rome (312) made him emperor in the West. According to legend, a cross and the words in hoc signo vinces (“In this sign, conquer”) appeared to him there, and he forthwith adopted Christianity. In 313 he issued, with Licinius, the Edict of Milan, granting tolerance to Christians; he also gave land to churches and granted the church special privileges. He opposed heresies, notably Donatism and Arianism, and he convoked the Council of Nicaea. After defeating and executing Licinius, he gained control of the East and became the sole emperor. He moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople (324). In 326 he had his wife and eldest son killed for reasons that remain obscure. He angered the Romans by refusing to participate in a pagan rite and never entered Rome again. Under his patronage, Christianity began its growth into a world religion. Constantine is revered as a saint in the Orthodox church.


But what about the Baphomet?

It is noteworthy that the extremists who propagate the idea of the “inverted” pentagram in relation to Baphomet tend to overlook important details, particularly when inciting fear and ignorance within the community. This type of irrational behavior is similar to the mob rule seen during the Dark Ages, where individuals were falsely accused of heresy and often subjected to severe punishment, such as being burned at the stake, based on the decisions of the mob, despite their innocence. This type of behavior highlights a lack of critical thinking and an overreliance on fear and misinformation.

Some recent occurrences of that can be seen in the story of Giordano Bruno, see here for more details.
In the previous section #1, we explored the facts and particulars of Baphomet, which most extremists associate with Freemasonry, thanks to Leo Taxil’s lies. However, when we look at the picture of Baphomet, we can note something very interesting that has eluded most extremist rhetoric…

“The Baphomet” – Originally designed by Éliphas Lévi
A Close-Up of Baphomet’s Forehead…
What do you see?
The orientation of the 5-Point Pentagram is Upwards! It is not pointing downwards as the extremist community professes.

As previously stated, certain extremists, particularly Éliphas Lévi, assert that the direction of the rays of the pentagram determines whether it represents the good or evil principle. According to Lévi, a pentagram with one point facing upward represents order and light, while a pentagram with two points facing upward represents disorder and darkness, also known as the inverted pentagram.

The statement made by Éliphas Lévi that the pentagram is a symbol for the Baphomet or goat-headed god is arbitrary and lacks any form of justification or citation. It is important to note that the pentagram on the forehead of Baphomet is UPRIGHT, with one point facing upward, representing order and light. This contradicts the assertion that an inverted pentagram represents disorder and darkness.

Extremists may claim that Baphomet represents evil, but it is flawed logic to invert the pentagram on Baphomet’s head and then label it as evil when the pentagram on the forehead is upright. This raises questions about the relationship between good and evil, and whether they are separate or one and the same. It is clear that extremists rely on ignorance, fear, and stupidity rather than careful study, rational thought, and logic. This lack of attention to detail further undermines their credibility.


Another assertion made by Christian extremists is that the 5-point pentagram used in Freemasonry and the Star of David are related to the so-called “Star of Remphan.” This claim is unfounded and lacks any evidence. It is yet another example of the extremist Christian narrative attempting to distance itself from Judaism and the Hebrews in a misguided and poorly constructed argument.

It is important to note that the claim that the 5-point pentagram used in Freemasonry and the Star of David are related to the “Star of Remphan” originates from a lack of knowledge on the part of the extremist Christian. The first five books of the Christian Bible, also known as the Pentateuch, are identical copies of the Jewish Torah. These five books are:


The Torah:

• בְּרֵאשִׁית‎ Be-reshit ~ Genesis

• שְׁמוֹת‎ Shemot ~ Exodus

• וַיִּקְרָא‎ VaYikra ~ Leviticus

• בְּמִדְבַּר BaMidbar ~ Numbers

• דְּבָרִים Devarim ~ Deuteronomy

First 5 books in the Christian Bible.


It is important to understand that the Pentateuch, meaning “five books,” is the first five books of the Christian Bible, which are also known as the Torah, meaning “The Law.” While the terms “Bible” and “Old Testament” are commonly used by non-Jews to describe Judaism’s scriptures, the appropriate term is “Tanakh,” which is an acronym derived from the Hebrew letters of its three components: Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. The Tanakh includes many more books and writings than the Pentateuch. The Hebrew Tanakh books include:

Mainstream Jewish Virtual Library:
Jewish Publication Society Bible:

Now that it has been established that the core of the Christian religion is based in Judaism, both in terms of scripture, specifically the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, which is the Tanakh, as well as certain symbology such as the Star of David, we can delve into the second part of this discussion, which is the actual “Star of Remphan.” The extremist Christian movement claims that the Star of Remphan, also known as the “Star of Solomon,” refers to the “god of Saturn” and that it was brought to the Jewish people as a result of the supposed “promiscuity of Solomon,” who had 700 wives and 300 concubines and turned away from God by engaging in idolatry. This idea is referenced in Kings 11:7-8.

However, these claims made by the extremist Christian movement are problematic and lack evidence. Both Judaism and Christianity are Abrahamic religions and a thorough examination of all the points mentioned here would require a significant amount of discussion and analysis. In the interest of conciseness and clarity, this subject will be approached with caution and only factual information supported by references to the original Ancient Hebrew texts will be discussed, with due respect for the authors of the original texts.

We have the additional problem of the Ancient Hebrew language (not the updated newer version but the ancient version that was in use at the time of the original Hebrew texts writing), which did not include the word ‘God’ or have any such definition in its Ancient vocabulary as well as several other words. This is not the case for the current Hebrew Language, however, to fully respect the original authors of the original Ancient Hebrew Texts, we shall not translate specific words in order to achieve a better understanding of the message that is being given. In fact, this is an extremely touchy subject to both Christians and Jews who do not study the actual Ancient Hebrew Language, they would never know this unless they study it or have been shown. Direct proof and sources for these claims are from Jewish Authors, Academics, and Theologians, which are clearly given in books such as the following:

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Click to buy this book
Click to buy this book
Click to buy this book

Response (A)

The star of Remphan, as described, has 6 points, not 5 points, yet the extremist rhetoric claims it’s the same, mostly drawing a 5-point pentagram next to the 6-point star of David when there is no such reference to a 5-point pentagram. However, the facts are that the star of Remphan, as described, is NOT a 5-point pentagram star, it is claimed as 6 points and gives specific mathematical parameters (as explained in Response C below) to describe it. This is the first and most important point, thus invalidating the star of Remphan claim by the Christian extremists, even before we start.

Response (B)

What extremist Christians do not realize, is that the Tetragrammaton (sometimes shown as YHWH) which is stated as ‘the ineffable name of God’ (See 6th Degree Scottish Rite Regalia), is also represented in symbol form as a 5-point Pentagram, as well as another symbol, which is a 64 Base Tetrahedron, which is the appropriate term for this shape/symbol. The name “Tetragrammaton”, can be seen in every single Christian bible, a couple of pages before the book of Genesis. Please view the images below for understanding, both orientations are shown as well as a scan of the page in a Christian bible, just before the book of Genesis. So if we were to use the Extremist Christian narrative, then both of these symbols would mean God is also Satan or Moloch? No! I think not! It is preposterous and nonsense, but this is the result when the use of zero logic, irrational and simplistic thinking is applied to symbolism by the incredibly ignorant and low IQ extremist community.

The Tetragrammaton uses 5-Point Pentagram symbol. Both Orientations are shown.
A scanned image of the Bible, a few pages prior to the book of Genesis.

Response (C)

Extremist Christians believe and claim that the symbol, the Star of Remphan (even though its design has never been mentioned in scripture), looks like both the 6 pointed star of David and also the 5-pointed pentagram and that it is a symbol of the Anti-Christ. The claim is that the mathematical properties of the star of Remphan consist of two overlaid equilateral triangles. The mathematical property of an equilateral triangle is that the sum of its three angles is equal to 180, i.e., all angles are 60 each. This description in itself proves it is NOT a 5 pointed pentagram star!


The claim states: “two triangles that are 180 each would give us 360 (180 + 180 = 360). When you omit the 0 in 360, you have 36, which some people think means 3 6’s, i.e., 666 – the mark of the anti-christ or the ‘beast”.

There are many problems with this simplistic and imbecilic analogy. Nevertheless, the main problem with this is that not only has the same design existed BEFORE Christianity, but it is also quite common throughout Ancient Sumeria and Mesopotamia.

Additionally, the simplistic approach to the claim that the Star of David is the Star of Remphan is due to the ‘internal shape’ (this is where the extremist narrative starts clutching at straws) being that of a hexagon. Thus, when extremists refer to this, they also refer to ‘witches cursing or hexing an individual’. This again is the result of extremely low IQ extremist individuals that have managed to convince their own community of this nonsense and it seems to be worryingly contagious.

The same mathematical principles of the design are used in many different cultures all across the world, especially in ancient Sumeria & Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, and even Mesoamerica.

The earliest meaning of the symbol’s shape and mathematical properties, go back thousands of years, however, the meaning behind the Star of David is embedded within the Kabbalah.

The Zohar 3:73a (The Zohar is the classic text of the Kabbalah, compiled by 2nd Century Mishnaic sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai) states, “There are three knots connecting [three entities] one to another: the Holy One, blessed be He; Torah; and Israel.” The Jewish soul connects to its Creator through the study and observance of the Torah. The triangle represents the connection between these three entities.


These three entities are each comprised of a pnimiyut (inner dimension) and a chitzoniyut (external dimension). The Torah is comprised of both exoteric teachings (the Talmud, Jewish law, etc.) as well as esoteric teachings (the Kabbalah). God’s “revealed” energy permeates and provides existence to all worlds, but His essence is completely hidden, transcending all of creation. Similarly, the soul (which is a reflection of God) has a revealed element, that level that expresses itself within and vivifies the body, as well as an essence that transcends the body.

The double triangle of the Star of David (Magen David) symbolizes the connection of both dimensions of God, Torah, and Israel: the external level of the soul connects to the external expression of God via studying the exoteric parts of Torah; the essence of the soul connects with God’s essence through the study and application of the teachings of Kabbalah.

The Seven Fields of the Star of David

Kabbalah teaches that God created the world with seven spiritual building blocks—His seven “emotional” attributes. Accordingly, the entire creation is a reflection of these seven foundational attributes.

They are:
chesed (kindness), Gevurah (severity), Tiferet (harmony), Netzach (perseverance), Hod (splendor), 
Yesod (foundation) and Malchut

These attributes are divided into three columns: right, center, and left:

Tiferet (Harmony)
Gevurah (Severity)Chesed (Kindness)
Yesod (Foundation)
Hod (Splendour)Netzach (Perseverance)
Malchut (Royalty)

Correspondingly, the Star of David contains seven compartments—six peaks protruding from a center.

• The upper right wing is Chesed.
• The upper left wing is Gevurah.
• The upper center peak is Tiferet. Kabbalah teaches that Tiferet finds its source in Keter
, “the Crown,” which is infinitely higher than all the divine attributes which are involved in the “mundane” pursuit of creating worlds.
• The lower right wing is Netzach.
• The lower left wing is Hod.
• The center is Yesod. Yesod is the “Foundation,” and as such, all the other attributes are rooted in, and rise from, this attribute.
• The star’s bottom that descends from its belly is Malchut—the attribute that absorbs the energies of the higher six attributes and uses them to actually descend and create everything—and to “reign” over them.

Basically, the Star of David IS the 2-dimensional representation of the Tetragrammaton, the 3-dimensional 64 Base Tetrahedron.

2-Dimensional Representation of the Tetragrammaton
(Flower of Life – Tree of Life – Merkaba – Metatron’s Cube)
3-Dimensional Representation of the Tetragrammaton
(Flower of Life – Tree of Life – 64 Base Tetrahedron)

Response (D)

There is also a claim that the Star of David originated from the ‘Shield of David’ (known as the Magen David – In Hebrew) which in Jewish liturgy signifies ‘God as the Protector (shield) of David. Additionally, Kabbalists popularised the use of the 5-pointed pentagram (The Seal of Solomon) symbol as a “Protection against evil spirits”. However, the Christian extremist narrative states:

“Stephen, at the time of his death – before he was martyred, mentioned Remphan as the subject of idolatrous worship. In the new testament (Acts 7: 43 – 54), he condemned the idolatry behavior that the Jews had taken upon themselves. Even though there are wide variations of the name – such as Molech/Moloch, they all refer to the same God.”

“Stephen had been taken to answer the charges leveled against him before the Sanhedrin – he was caught teaching people what God had said about the temple being destroyed, and how the laws of Moses had changed. He was going through how the children of Israel had sinned and backslid from the original promises given to Abraham (Acts 7: 2 – 8), and adding to their transgressing of the law; they had become idolaters.”

“Going on, he referred to their idols – the star of Remphan inclusive as what they carry around in small ceremonial boxes – in the shapes of tabernacles, and they carry it everywhere, be it on a journey, to a waterfront, everywhere. This mostly intended it to be a form or type of idolatry (Exodus 20:4).”

“Due to their worship of these idols – Star of Remphan and co, Stephen called all of them stiff-necked, as it was a sign of refusal to bow before God due to their pride, uncircumcised, and he went greatly against all they believed, which angered them furiously in return. Later on, their years of frolicking with idols while turning away from God caught up with them as God destroyed their temple just as Jesus and Stephen foretold.”

This narrative, put forth by Christian extremists, attempts to link the Star of David to the idolatrous worship of Remphan, and claims that the Jews had deviated from the original teachings of Abraham. However, the context and meaning of these verses in the New Testament are often taken out of context and misconstrued. Furthermore, the accusations of idolatry and references to King Solomon’s many wives and concubines are also not applicable in the modern context. It is important to note that the Star of David, also known as the Shield of David or Magen David, is a symbol with a rich history in Jewish tradition and culture, and should not be conflated with idolatrous worship or other extraneous accusations.

In order to understand the hypocrisy of an extremist, one can simply ask whether they understand that Moses had two wives… yet in reply, there is usually silence. See Deuteronomy 25:5 – 12 and 2 Samuel: 12 – 8 and 2 Chronicles 11 – 21 and 2 Chronicles 13 – 21 and Exodus 21:10 and Genesis 4:19 and Judges 8:30 and 1 Samuel 1:1-2 and Deuteronomy 21:15 – 17.

This particular subject is quite huge and merits several hundred pages of discussion, which is not in the scope of this paper and website, therefore we shall keep the format to a summary and the discussion based on facts, and historical evidence, and conclude that if a man’s religion allows for something that another’s does not, it is not correct to judge any man’s religion. This very issue is extremely important in Freemasonry and is one of the fundamental principles. A true Freemason does not judge another man’s religion, we accept all brothers, regardless of their religion. But we must war against ignorance and intolerance using the appropriate tools which are primarily knowledge and information, which is the foundational motive behind this website. It is also a part of Freemasonry being a ‘Progressive Science’. See the 30th Degree oath under the Scottish rite here.

Thus as one can see, the hypocrisy and judgemental nature of the Christian extremist is where they obtain the zero-logic that somehow both the Star of David AND the Mysterious Seal of Solomon are Satanic. It is just nonsense.

Webmaster’s Comment: One of the most notable characteristics of Christian extremism is the tendency to engage in divisive and harmful behavior towards those who do not align with their specific beliefs or ideologies. This may manifest in textual, verbal, or physical attacks, harassment, bullying, and even death threats directed at individuals or groups of people from different religions, denominations, or non-religious affiliations. Additionally, Christian extremists may exhibit a strong inclination towards antisemitism, Islamophobia, and discrimination against other non-Christian religions and groups.

It is important to note that this type of behavior is in direct contradiction to the principles and values of true Christianity, which emphasizes love, compassion, and acceptance of all people, regardless of their beliefs or background. Additionally, it is important to recognize that these extremists are a small minority within the Christian community and do not represent the views or actions of the majority.

One very easy way to extract and identify an extremist Christian is to ask simple questions about the Bible. For example, if one were to ask an extremist Christian to read the following and if they condone these: 2 Chronicles 15:13 or Deuteronomy 13:13-19 or Deuteronomy  22:21 or Deuteronomy 13:7-12 or Deuteronomy 17:2-5 or Romans 1:24-32 or Exodus 31:12-15 or even Isaiah 14:21 or Ezekiel 9:5-7 or Isaiah 13:15-18. If the answer given to you is a ‘yes I condone these’ then you have clearly identified an extremist Christian.

Bees in a bee hive – Honeycomb
Note the Hexagonal shape

Webmaster’s Comment: Bees in a bee hive, construct Honeycomb which is built using hundreds of thousands of hexagons. Thus if we were to use the Christian extremist rhetoric claiming that the hexagon form is somehow ‘satanic’, does that mean that bees are also evil? are bees the spawn of Satan?

The answer is clearly NO, however, the Christian extremist logic noted above, suggests that very thing. It is totally absurd.

Response (E)

Extremist Christians also do not realize, that just recently, several scholars have proven and confirmed, that the original translations from Hebrew to Greek and Hebrew to English, have been INCORRECT. For example, the name ‘Yahweh‘, does NOT translate to ‘Lord’ or ‘God’ as initially incorrectly translated when using the Original Ancient Hebrew Text. The facts show that there is no translation for the word/name ‘Yahweh‘ and thus the word should not be translated just for the sake of translating it or to fit the religious narrative. This is however, the total opposite of what the Christian Vatican (the head of the Christian religion) has with an announcement stating that the word ‘Yahweh’ or ‘YHWH’ should not be used. The problem with this announcement is that the name Yahweh clearly appears in the Original Ancient Hebrew Texts (Tanakh/Torah) and therefore is now contradictory to the original writings.
Individuals who assert that Catholicism is not a denomination of Christianity or is somehow secretive should carefully study both the Bible and the Catholic Bible. By doing so, they will quickly discover that both books are largely identical and originate from the same source, the Bible being the primary source of knowledge and teachings regarding the Christian religion.

The same goes for the word ‘Elohim’, a Pluralistic Only word (which means it cannot be used in the singular) and does not translate into the word ‘God’ either. Individuals that claim the word Elohim means or refers to the ‘holy trinity’, the facts are it does NOT and within the context of the Ancient Hebrew texts, it is clear that the word Elohim, refers to entities or individuals or a certain group, however, nobody knows what the word Elohim actually means, there is no translation for it. Therefore in order to respect the original authors of the Ancient Hebrew Texts, we should not use translations but use the original words as it was originally written to be.

Originally, Christianity was a Poly-theistic religion with its foundations in, the Old Testament – The Torah / Tanakh as well as the Enuma Elish, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Epic of Creation, and the Egyptian Book of the Dead, together with the New Testament based on Ancient Roman Religion Mithraism and the Ancient Greek Poet Omero. See ‘The Naked Bible‘ for more details. It was only after some time, at the command of the boy King Josiah, King of Judah, instituted major religious reforms by removing official worship of gods (plural), other than Yahweh. Josiah is credited by most biblical scholars with having established or compiled important Hebrew scriptures during the ‘Deuteronomic reform’ which probably occurred during his rule. Christianity became Mono-theistic and Dogmatic which Bro. Albert Pike noted many points in his Books, one being ‘Morals and Dogma’, which is much the target of even more conspiracies, some of which are covered in this debunk section. However, this particular subject is more appropriately discussed in another part of this website.

Given the delicate and nuanced nature of this particular topic and the fact that it falls outside the purview of this website to delve into religious doctrine, I have elected to provide some informative resources for a more comprehensive understanding. To gain a deeper understanding of the subject, I recommend viewing the videos that I have included links to below. Additionally, for a more detailed examination supported by evidence from the original Ancient Hebrew Torah, which forms the basis for the Old Testament in the Christian Bible, I recommend considering obtaining one or all of the books listed below and above from Amazon. It is worth noting that I do not receive any commission from any purchases made.

The books and videos provided are created by two reputable scholars, Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis. Mauro Biglino is an official translator of 19 books of the Old Testament with Edizioni San Paolo. Paul Wallis is an internationally bestselling author whose works explore the world’s ancestral narratives for their insights into human origins, human potential, and our place in the cosmos. As a senior churchman, Paul served for 33 years as a Church Doctor, Theological Educator, and Archdeacon in the Anglican Church in Australia. He has published numerous titles on Christian mysticism and spirituality and is a popular speaker at conferences around the world.


In conclusion, the claim that the 5 pointed Pentagram used in Freemasonry, is somehow the Star of Remphan or originated as a satanic symbol, is total nonsense and should be treated as such.


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