Credit: White Shrine of Jerusalem, is Freemasonry for Women and is a not-for-profit fraternal body organized under a charter of incorporation dated October 23, 1894, and recorded in the office of Recorder of the State of Illinois on June 18, 1895.
Category: 9/ Other Rites
This section discusses and provides information regarding Other rites of Freemasonry. This section is quite huge, as there are many many other rites available for Freemasons to join. Some are accepted, some are not.
NOTE: I have also included some rites that are not Masonic, but due to conspiracy theories, the author has decided to include them in this section in order to provide a detailed platform and explanation about these particular rites.
Prince Hall Freemasonry, also known as Prince Hall Masonry, is a historically Black branch of Freemasonry that began in the 1700s. The organization was founded by Prince Hall, a Black man from Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies, who worked as a leatherworker in
Credit: The Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots is a little-known fraternity comprised entirely of Master Masons in good standing, similar to the Grotto and the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. It has local units called “pyramids” in California, New Jersey, and Illinois. The Order was established
Credit: It all started in 1843 with some very energetic and imaginative Master Masons who dreamed up the idea of a Tall Cedar Degree, and in those days the degree was called ” The Ancient and Honorable Rite of Humility.” The
The Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry, also known as the American Federation of Human Rights (A.F.H.R.), is an international fraternal Masonic organization that was established in 1994. It originated as a national Federation of Le Droit Humain, an international order of mixed
First, a short summary: The Bavarian Illuminati is a secret society that was founded in Bavaria, Germany in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law at Ingolstadt University and a former Jesuit. The group was a movement of republican free
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