Joining is by written invitation only and a candidate must be a Past Master of a Craft Lodge, a Past First Principal of a Royal Arch Chapter, a Past Thrice Illustrious Master of a Cryptic Council, and a Past Perceptor of a Priory of Knights Templar.
The order operates under the Convent General of the York Cross of Honour in the USA and there is only One Priory in New South Wales. There is another in Queensland. The Priory meets four times a year and one of these meetings is the annual installation of the Eminent Prior.

The main principles and the core moral teachings of the Order are a continuation of those of the four Orders of which each candidate is required to be a member. To quote from the Ceremonial for membership in a Priory of Knights of the York Cross of Honour are higher than those of any other Masonic affiliated organisation. The only entrance is through the door marked SERVICE.
The Grand Master-General’s personal representative in Australia is Eminent Knight Donald H Gunner.
The Joining fee in New South Wales is $250; this covers the Registration cost with the Convent General, Regalia etc. The annual dues are $60.
The meaning of membership in KYCH can best be explained by a closing statement of Most Eminent Knight Donald E. Friend. Grand Master General, at his Convent General Session in 1995:
“As a Knight of the York Cross of Honour, you are a proven servant of the Masonic Fraternity. Your inspiration has come from your past, your duty is in the present, and your hope is in the future.”
“I ask you always to remember – in all you do, in all you say, in all your actions, take a good look at yourself: you are someone’s impression of Freemasonry.”
For more information or if you would like to join, please visit the following URLs:
Or, go to the MASONIC LODGE LIST and select the appropriate lodge in your jurisdiction.