This is a side, or “chair” degree, and is conferred on present or past Illustrious Masters, usually during the time of the Grand Council Assembly. It also goes by the name of Thrice Illustrious Masters Order of the Silver Trowel. It consists of two sections, the candidate representing the young King Solomon in both sections.

In the first section, the candidate learns of the conspiracy by his half-brother Adonijah, to wrest the throne with cunning from Solomon. He also learns of his mother (Bathsheba) interceding with the aged and ailing King David to prevent this. After securing David’s approval, Solomon is symbolically conducted to Gihon by Benaiah where he is duly obligated, anointed, and hailed as King by Nathan the prophet and Zadok, the High Priest.
In the second section, the newly anointed king is brought before his father David who, in his dying moments, instructs him in moral wisdom and counsels him to govern uprightly and to serve the Lord with all his strength. Upon Solomon’s assent to all this, king David expires.
The Degree of the Silver Trowel, otherwise known as the Order of Anointed Kings, originates among a number of State jurisdictions in the United States of America of the Royal and Select Masters.
The Silver Trowel is practiced as an adjunct to the Order of Royal and Select Masters, not as a separate Order but as a special reward for merit and conferred in very limited numbers. The basic requirement is a candidate must be a Past Master of a Royal and Select Masters’ Council; thereafter approval for it to be conferred on any individual Illustrious Companion rests solely with the Grand Master himself, on recommendation from a District Grand Master.
The English version of the Degree has been adapted taking into account rituals from a number of States. It does not form part of the series of events commemorated in the four Degrees of the Royal and Select Masters but relates to the reigns of King David and his son King Solomon. To participate requires considerable ritual, even acting skills, as the ceremony is very dramatic.
It is hoped this outline of the history and scope of the Degree will be of interest, not only to those who have received it but also to aspirants, qualified but not yet recommended.
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