
The International Order of the Rainbow is a youth sorority for girls and is a non-profit organization that strives to give girls the tools, training, and encouragement to let their individual spirits shine bright. It provides members with a safe, fun, and caring environment where responsible, older girls can interact and mentor younger girls through family involvement.

Webmaster’s Note: Rainbow is NOT political nor has anything to do with Gender or LGBTQ etc… The Order had started well before any such political or gender-based connotations or ideologies were invented or used. The Order is purely based on personal development and community participation. This comment is noted here on this page due to the ‘rainbow’ colors and name in the logo.


When and Why Did Rainbow Begin?

In 1922, Rainbow was created for young women whose fathers were members of a Masonic Lodge, and their friends. Although a Christian minister named W. Mark Sexson founded the organization, today the leaders of Rainbow Girls respect and welcome all girls from every religion. Their main focus is more on the spiritual principles of being a kind and caring person. While the Rainbow practices and programs continue to evolve, the basic teachings of faith, hope, and charity remain a cornerstone of this dynamic girl’s youth group.

Coming to Australia

Mrs. Frances Livermore learned of the Order and the first Assembly, Sydney No. 1 was opened in 1930. Australia continued as one jurisdiction until it was split into New South Wales and Queensland. When Assemblies opened in Victoria and South Australia they became part of the jurisdiction of New South Wales. Western Australia even had an Assembly in the 1950s. Today there are the two jurisdictions of New South Wales/South Australia and Queensland.

Who Can Be A Rainbow?

A Rainbow girl is a girl between the ages of 11 to 21.

There are Pledge Groups who are girls between the ages of 7 and 11 who have pledged to become a Rainbow girl on reaching the age of 11.

The International Order of the Rainbow also has sparkles who are girls under the age of 7. They are so-called because they make our lives sparkle by being in their presence.

How to Join and What Happens Then?

To join the Order, a girl must fill out a petition form. This is then read at a meeting of the Assembly she wishes to join. If the girl is unknown to any of the members, a few girls and an adult advisor will visit the girl and her family to talk about Rainbow and what she can learn and gain by being a member.

These members report to the Assembly and the petition goes to ballot. If it is clear the girl will be initiated at the next meeting of the Assembly.

There is a joining fee that covers the cost of a copy of the ritual, the Rainbow jewel which is presented after her initiation, and the certificate she receives on her initiation. It also covers the amount which is due to Supreme Assembly.

Structure Of The Order

The International Order of the Rainbow is governed by the Supreme Assembly whose seat is in McAlester Oklahoma, USA (the home of the Order and where W Mark Sexson lived). Each jurisdiction has an adult leader known as the Supreme Inspector or Deputy.

As it is a girls’ organization, the leader in each jurisdiction is known as the Grand Worth Advisor who has a team of officers who visit each Assembly during the jurisdictional term. An Assembly is led by the Worthy Advisor under the guidance of a Mother Advisor and Advisory Board (adults).

Assembly meetings are conducted by the Worthy Advisor. Each Assembly meets formally at least once a month which includes ritual work and a structured business agenda. At other times during the months the assemblies meet socially for a barbecue or a games afternoon. Cumberland Assembly meets at Castle Hill NSW on the third Saturday. Illawarra/Campbelltown Assembly meets at Campbelltown NSW on the fourth Saturday. Muriel Parkin Memorial Assembly meets at Blacktown NSW on the fourth Monday.

‘Rainbow gets girls ready for life’ !!!

For more information or if you would like to join, please visit the following URLs:

Or, go to the MASONIC LODGE LIST and select the appropriate lodge in your jurisdiction.