The Order of Holy Wisdom has been part of the Order of The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests from very early times. However old rituals showed that it required very lavish clothing, equipment, and premises to carry out the Degree. Indeed, so complex and expensive were the requirements that it is hardly surprising that the Degree fell into disuse. The ritual was sympathetically rewritten so as to contain all of the essentials, but capable of being worked in a much more practical manner. The Order of Holy Wisdom was reintroduced on 14th June 2014 as an associated order, quite separate and different from our appendant degrees.

The original certificates for the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests dating back to 1924 when the Order became a sovereign body having separated from the Allied Masonic Degrees, are headed “The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest or Order of Holy Wisdom and of the Degrees appendant thereunto”. Early certificates from the early Irish bodies show the Order of Holy Wisdom as being an Order in itself.
Further, ritual exists showing this to be the case. Masonic orders, like Lodges and indeed people, come and go; some stand the test of time but others, for one reason or another, become moribund, fading from existence. Such was the case with the Order of Holy Wisdom the Congregations of which, by tradition, met only once each year at 11:11hrs on Good Friday.
The Regalia and furniture necessary for working the Order as directed would have been very expensive to produce, maintain and store. Three Chambers were required; a grand alter atop a flight of seven steps; a white screen of fine linen to separate the sanctum sanctorum from the body of the Church represented in the First Chamber; cassocks and cloaks of various colors. Other regalia and furniture included: a black velvet mantle; a Greek miter of white silk; and, a life-size coffin capable of housing and bearing the candidate. The Order was re-introduced in 2014 with every member of the Order at that date being acknowledged as a Knight Priest of the Order of Holy Wisdom. Any Knight Templar Priest received after that date is introduced into the Order, the ritual for which follows closely to that originally used. Much of the furniture and regalia has been dispensed with but what remains is true to the original ritual of the 1790s.
The Candidate, having undergone purification, is led to each of the seven pillars where he is questioned and agrees to comply with certain instructions for the rest of his life. Acknowledgment and acceptance of each demand are necessary to allow progression to the next pillar or station.
It is plainly seen from the rituals that the Order of Knight Templar Priests and that of Wisdom are woven around seven pillars and that candles form an integral part, imparting a light, both literal and metaphorical. The Order Of Holy Wisdom can be viewed in a somewhat different light perhaps when considering the layout of the temple, the perambulation taken by the candidate, and his arrival at the Seventh Pillar. There is much similarity to be found here with the Tree of Life, the pillars of that tree, and the lightning flash re-traced by the candidate as he ascends from the first to the seventh pillar. It is indeed after he passes this seventh pillar – the eighth station – that he receives the Wisdom of the Order – Chokmah.
It must be acknowledged that much of Freemasonry makes use of symbols and metaphors harkening back to the enlightenment and the mysticism that abounded. Perhaps this ritual is no different. The ritual of the Order of Holy Wisdom is, in much the same manner as all Masonic rituals, written to make the candidate think and contemplate upon his earthly existence. This Order most certainly does that in a most interesting, challenging, and entertaining way.
Members of the Order of Holy Wisdom should wear a Cordelier to signify their membership. The majority of members wear white Cordeliers. The variations are as follows:-
- Green to be worn by recipients of PHW
- Yellow to be worn by recipients of CHW
- Sky Blue to be worn by recipients of KHW
- Red to be worn by Holders of the Certificate of Merit
- Purple to be worn by High Prelates (and those acting as such), Grand Superintendents, Past Grand Superintendents, holders of GCPO, KCPO, and GHP Award
- The Grand High Prelate shall wear a Cordelier of purple and gold
- The Deputy Grand High Priest, Assistant Grand High Priests, and Grand Inspectors (and past ranks thereof) shall wear a Cordelier of red and gold
- The Grand High Priest and Past Grand High Priests shall wear a Cordelier of purple, gold, and red
For more information or if you would like to join, please visit the following URLs:
Or, go to the MASONIC LODGE LIST and select the appropriate lodge in your jurisdiction.